Teaching is a central part of my work as an art historian, and I approach the classroom as a space for interdisciplinary inquiry. Drawing from literary studies, the history of science, and environmental history, I encourage students to think beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. At the same time, I believe that studying art requires direct engagement with it—not just through books or slides but in person. I am committed to taking students to museums, inviting contemporary artists into the classroom, and introducing historical art-making methods to deepen students’ understanding of artistic practice.

  • Art Humanities: Masterpieces of Western Art

    Instructor of Record, Fall 2021; Spring 2022 (Columbia Core Curriculum)

  • Renaissance Imperial Spain

    Section Leader, Spring 2021, for Diane Bodart (Columbia)

  • Medieval Art: Romanesque to Gothic

    Section Leader, Spring 2020, for Gregory Bryda (Columbia)

  • Clothing

    Section Leader, Fall 2020, for Anne Higonnet (Barnard)

  • Introduction to History of Architecture

    Section Leader, Fall 2019, for Michael Waters (Columbia)