Teaching is a central part of my work as an art historian, and I approach the classroom as a space for interdisciplinary inquiry. Drawing from literary studies, the history of science, and environmental history, I encourage students to think beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries. At the same time, I believe that studying art requires direct engagement with it—not just through books or slides but in person. I am committed to taking students to museums, inviting contemporary artists into the classroom, and introducing historical art-making methods to deepen students’ understanding of artistic practice.
Art Humanities: Masterpieces of Western Art
Instructor of Record, Fall 2021; Spring 2022 (Columbia Core Curriculum)
Renaissance Imperial Spain
Section Leader, Spring 2021, for Diane Bodart (Columbia)
Medieval Art: Romanesque to Gothic
Section Leader, Spring 2020, for Gregory Bryda (Columbia)
Section Leader, Fall 2020, for Anne Higonnet (Barnard)
Introduction to History of Architecture
Section Leader, Fall 2019, for Michael Waters (Columbia)